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November 23, 2005

Time for the Taper

Sorry for the silence over the past month. Part of it was due to computer problems that I experienced earlier this month...apparently my three-month old computer had cancer of the hard disk, so I had to bring it in to CompUSA for a transplant. Fortunately, the insurance...I mean the warranty covered it. Man, I'm starting to talk cancer now...

Anyway, a lot has happened since the last time I wrote. I finished the Val Nolasco Half Marathon on November 6 in a time of 1:55:59...faster now over 13.1 miles than I did a few months before over 12.4 miles.

Then, over the next two weeks, I ran 16 miles, then last Saturday, I did the traditional 20-mile run from Kapiolani Park out to Hawaii Kai and back. And I felt good afterward, a bit tired, but not sore afterward.

When I think of how far I've come so fast, it startles me. I think I'm ready for a really good marathon. I hope I can hold pace and keep going strong even through the last six miles.

Now it's time for the taper...dropping mileage in preparation for the race. I feel so good now that by the time the last week comes around and I start carbo-loading I'm going to be bouncing off the walls.

But now for business...I'm getting closer and closer. I'm within $150 of my minimum. Just six donations at $25 will put me over the top. Thanks to Andrew, Lance & Kathy, and Ann for their donations!

I repeat, just six $25 donations. Or three $50 donations. Won't you be the person who puts me over the top? Donate today.

Posted by Keith at November 23, 2005 07:43 PM

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Hmmm... or just one $150 donation would put you over the top!

I sell both life insurance and cancer insurance. The computer warranty is more like health insurance than cancer or life insurance. Cancer insurance is meant to supplement your regular health insurance. I have a cancer insurance policy and I am happy with it. I have a family history of that disease and, due to friends and familiy with the disease, am very aware of the costs involved in treatment of both the symptoms and the disease itself. I wish cancer were as easy to cure as your hard drive. Keep up the good work!

Posted by: eric at November 24, 2005 01:58 AM

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